Web Development

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

  • It is used for Graphical Representation of a Page.
  • Text Basics
  • Text-formatting Elements i.e. (How to Make the text bold, give the underlines to it and Italic text )
  • Images alignment in the webpage
  • Lists and Redirecting to the pages.
  • Tables, nav tag, section and footer
  • Basic Forms

CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • Basics of CSS.
  • Font Styles and color
  • List Styles and Box Model
  • CSS Selectors (class & Id) Key Frames and Basic Design of Forms
  • Navigation Menus, Animations by Animate.css and CDN.
  • Social Icons by Font Awesome CDN(Content Delivery Network)


  • It's a Framework Which will help for to create a webpage in an easy way.
  • Containers
  • Grid Layout and Border Layout.
  • Components (Navbar, Jumbotron, Modal, Forms, Cards… etc.)
  • Navigation Menus, Animations by Animate.css and CDN.
  • Project By Bootstrap using Git hosting.

PHP (Hypertext Processor)

  • For Client-Side programming we use PHP
  • Variables
  • Inserting and Using Database Data
  • PHP Functions and PHP oops
  • Form Validation by PHP


  • This is used to make the webpage more Functionality.
  • Variables (let, const and var)
  • Data types (Arrays, Object, Functions, Number & String)
  • DOM (Document Object Model)
  • Event Listeners (click, keyup & keydown) and also small project by all these concepts
  • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript)

Angular JS

  • To develop modern, responsive Single-page Web Application we use Angular
  • Introduction to Angular
  • Data types (Arrays, Object, Functions, Number & String)
  • Angular Fundamentals.(Components, Generation By CLI, Directives and Services)
  • Display Data and Handling Events(Attribute Binding, Adding Bootstrap, Two way Bindings… etc.)
  • Custom Pipes


  • MySQL Intro
  • Database Creation
  • Create Tables
  • Select Data, Insertion of Data
  • Update Data, Delete of Data
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